(Once you pay you will receive an email with a form to Submit the details of you and your family members).
60 days of healing starts immediately as soon as you purchase the program. Your teeth, mouth, and organs will thank you. Set the intention and let it flow. Dipal and her Guides will infuse each intention with a high-frequency vibration to accelerate the healing process. No need to contact Dipal.
In addition, remote healing will include the following areas:
- Molars and Premolars
- Wisdom teeth
- Bicuspids and incisors
- gums
- Regrow new teeth
- Heal chipped teeth
- Heal systems in the body
- Heal organs in body
- Heal Chakras, Hara line, Meridians and Nadi’s
- Heal Soul and spirit
- Trauma healing
- Repair tissues and bones
Each day take time to sit in silence for 5 minutes if possible
- Light a Candle
- Imagine the Candle burning away all the negative and low vibrations within you and around you. This can include emotions, trauma, hurtful memories, negative thoughts, and so on.
- See the flame melting all the energy away