Over the next 90 Days, you are going to experience the most powerful and Highest Quantum Frequency clearings for weight loss. These energies will be scanning and clearing 24/7 for the next 90 days supporting you through the holidays. My Guides and I will be scanning and clearing blockages that are keeping you from achieving the weight you have been longing for.
We will be supporting you to a greater body through the Quantum Medspa Container by:
- Clearing all timelines of addictions, overeating, habits, behaviors, compulsions, self sabatogingÂ
- Removing all inflammation, Activating a Liver Sweeper
- Clearing all prescription side effects
- Removing timelines of stagnant energies in your body and energy field
- Upgrade the Nervous System, Digestive System, Endocrine System
- Rejuvenate and Recalibrate Metabolism, Hormones, Neurotransmitters
- Removing all Timeline Limiting beliefs, repeating patterns, Karmic patterns, Ancestral patterns, Genetic Patterns
- Cutting all toxic cords from all timelines
- Upgrade DNA and telomeres in each timeline for a more Youthful body
- Clearing any and all fear of letting go of the weight through all timelines
- Clearing all timeline entities, black magic, holes, tears, and cursesÂ
- Light Energetic Body Work OutPlease note: No date. Starts as soon as you purchase the program