ANANDA4LIFE is happy to present
Quantum Liver Reboot
by Michelle L. Warner
Do you have any of these symptoms?
♦ Right shoulder stiffness, tightness or soreness
♦ Irritable or stressed
♦ Fuzzy or foggy vision
♦ Headaches
♦ Weight Gain
♦ Poor concentration or focus
♦ Itchy, irritated, red or dry eyes
♦ Insomnia, restless or rough sleep
♦ Fed up with people or have little patience with them
♦ Hot flashes
♦ Dry, bad, itchy, burning or irritated skin
♦ A constant itch that never goes away
♦ Dry Mouth
♦ Overwhelming moods or emotions
♦ Wound up and ready to explode
♦ Gallbladder flare ups or issues
♦ Use or crave alcohol
♦ Nose, sinus or chest congestion
♦ Acne, boils, rashes or breakouts
♦ Depression
If you answered “Yes” to any of these Your Liver Needs My Help:
Learn how you can easily communicate with your Liver
When in danger or overwhelmed, the liver which is the largest organ in the body does not always differentiate good or bad. It hangs onto the emotion, protecting you and does not get released properly after the danger is over.
When we experience a stressful situation, the brain can either process the event in current time, or the liver can retain the trauma and encode it in our muscles or organs.
This record can be sent back to the body anytime it gets a physical or emotional trigger. This can become a vicious cycle that occurs over and over again.
When we release the physical trauma and emotional restrictions in the liver, it helps to break the cycle of triggers. Every organ is an expression of ourselves. We may have picked these up from past lives, ancestral, the womb, young child, adult or even today. Sometimes it feels like a comfort zone or an old friend we have had for a long time and it is hard to let them go.
You can heal the liver just by adjusting the picoamps of your liver…
It is time to reconnect the circuits in the liver so that you can live a life full of Joy, Vitality and Happiness !!!
Do the following emotions feel familiar to you?
Anger ♦
Rage ♦
Frustration ♦
Bitterness ♦
Irritability ♦
Uncontrollable outbursts ♦
♦ Fear
♦ Anxious
♦ Moody
♦ Low self esteem
♦ Overwhelmed
♦ Deep grief
What you are going to learn on the call:
Learn to heal Liver Restrictions and how that affects the picoamps in the Liver.
Learn an easy technique to release the physical and emotional traumas your liver is holding.
Learn how you can dialogue with your liver and release the restrictions on a daily basis.
Learn how the circuitry in the body effects the liver and how it hinders your ability to fully function in your body
Learn the primary job of your Liver and how it affects your entire wellbeing
Here is What You will Receive:
Item 1: One 30-minute one-on-one remote session with Michelle (Value $135)
Item 2: Bonus: 30 days of Remote Healing
Quantum Liver Reboot
ITEM 1: One 30-Minute One-On-One Liver Healing Session With Michelle (Value $135)
Every session is Unique. We will work on what the needs of your body. My Guide Team and I will connect with your specific Guide Team to scan your body and energy field.
We will scan the 4 Lobes of your liver to find which lobe(s) of the liver are blocked. We will identify the percentage is blocked and if it is from your present, ancestral or past lives.
We will connect with the pico amps of your liver as we go through an easy and powefully guided process to acknowledge the restrictions. This will help and guide your body to release the blockages and clearing the cellar memory! This unique process will allow you to participate in your healing as we guide you every step of the way giving you control and empowering you to heal your body.
When you connect to the language of the liver you can release the restrictions quickly which will help the Life force energy flow through all the other organs freely to give optimal health!
ITEM 2: Bonus: 30 Days Of Remote Healing
Remote healing energies will be conducted each day. You do not need to do anything as Michelle will scan your energies and conduct a clearing. Michelle will run the Quantum Energies 24/7. You can sit quietly at any time during the day if you would like to tune into the powerful frequencies. She will be connecting to the picoamps of your body and energetically channeling the restrictions to help you release stress and feel more freedom, vitality and harmonic energy flow throughout the body.
30 days of remote healing starts the moment you purchase the package and say yes to activate the daily energy. This includes the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, bladder small and large intestines to support the organs with harmonic energy flow.
What People are Saying...
You will love working with Michelle. Her energy is so warm and pure and true. Her observations were spot and a lot of issues came up for healing. We moved deep into trauma and Michelle facilitated a beautiful forgiveness ritual and retrieval of Regina as an embryo. Powerful indeed. I thank you Michelle for this beautiful loving session.
Thanking you with much love and appreciation,
~Regina Walsh
Michelle is a kind and intuitive healer. She has a natural warm and nurturing nature that helps others feel safe. I have seen her help so many people.
~Maureen Schhwehr, ND
I have felt like my nervous system has been in overdrive for quite some time due to excess stress. During my first session with Michelle and every session thereafter I could literally feel my body calm and relax in a way that I have not felt in years. It was so overwhelming, it brought me to tears. Michelle elicits a sense of calm and acceptance that allowed me to let go of whatever was stuck in my body. Another specific change is that I have had joint pain in my left foot for years that I assumed was arthritis until I had a session and it completely went away. I kept looking for the ache because it was surreal to have ended so abruptly however, months later, I am still pain-free. Truly miraculous and I am deeply grateful. I plan to see her monthly for continued health and well-being.
Working with Michelle has changed my life. I so value the gentle and warm-hearted approach she uses to support my healing. I have known her for many years and would recommend her to anyone looking for an intuitive practitioner who goes the extra mile.
~J.B., St. Paul
Michelle is a gifted energy worker. I call her when my energy field feels crazy, and I can feel my energy shift and get calmer as she works on me. She has balanced my chakras,adjusted my hara line, released organs, cleared my energy field, done inner child work, and more — all over the phone.
I’ve also worked with her doing in-person craniosacral therapy. With her, I went on a journey of self-discovery which completely transformed my life. I was finally able to acknowledge, accept, and embrace who I really am, and use my gifts to help people.
~T.F., St. Paul
Michelle is one of the most amazing healers I’ve met. And I ‘ve met a lot of them. The label for what she does is Craniosacral Therapy but hers is a bit different from the norm because she has an amazing ability to listen to my body often times better than I can! There had been times when she would say “Did you feel that?” and I would say “No”. Then several seconds later I would say “Wow, what was that?”. There was the time I had tendonitis in my foot and she felt drawn to work on it. It didn’t magically go away but it felt so much better. I had no idea CST could do that. Then there was the time she worked on my mouth. All my life I’d had a giant click in my jaw (TMJ) and after Michelle worked on my mouth it went away. To tell you the truth, it’s been a long while ago but I still keep waiting for it to return. It had been there that long! Bottom line—she’s awesome!
I had a terrible fall and broke the orbital bone in my face. The impact was so traumatic that my skull had shifted in my head so far that a rear molar molar root canal popped out of the socket. When I looked in the mirror my teeth were no longer in the correct position. My face was numb from my lip to my eye. I saw Michelle once a week for 8 weeks and she put my face back in line. Each week the numbness improved.
Michelle has also worked on my knee from an old injury and I always feel improvement when I get off her table.
~Deanna C., White Bear Lake
I had a slip and fall that resulted in terrible headaches. The doctor diagnosed me with cervical stenosis and wanted to do surgery. My daughter encouraged me to see Michelle first. I saw Michelle 3 times and all of my symptoms disappeared. I did not have to have surgery!
~Virginia C., White Bear Lake
I just had my liver reboot session with Michelle and we uncovered so much! I found out what was blocking my liver and other parts of my body and we worked to release it. Michelle is so accurate. She gave me clarity on things that I already knew and information on other things that I did not. I can’t wait to work with her again.
~ DW
Michelle was nice to work with as she puts you right at ease with her warm, friendly manner. She helps you feel empowered and draws you in to participating in the session. You feel you can trust her and I feel she offers a lot of value in her sessions.
Take care too!
~ Shawna
Michelle is so amazing to work with and is so caring and spot on with her readings and healing and to help move the energy that is stuck, not for highest good. I had my session with her and she said it would take 8 days to integrate fully.
I wasn’t feeling great all week and was kind of depressed and tired and had remembered the next day after the session how long it would take and that Wed was the target date.
I started to do some of my other mp3’s on the 7th day as I’m like man, is this ascension, retrograde, other people’s stuff, what is going on ~ I woke up on Wed the 8th day feeling AMAZING. And then her words came back, 8days.
It is like feeling like myself again and grateful for everything again (even though I was trying to do this with the integration), and just feels like the light at the end of the tunnel.
I’m so thankful for being able to work with Michelle and you won’t regret working with her and clearing more layers and stuck energy and feels like the stopper was pulled out and everything finally released.
You will get a lot out of the session, she gives great tips on things you can do to help yourself and keep the energy clear and moving and is empowering, she really is amazing.
~ Susie Whiting
Michelle L. Warner
Michelle is a certified CranioSacral Therapist who has completed a wide range of classes, including Medical Intuitive with Quantum Body Awakening, Spiritual Development, Hands-on Healing, Reiki, Quantum Healing, Shamanism, and other various classes.
She has taught a variety of classes at the Heartwood Institute since 2009. She has also developed and taught workshops with a focus on working with the organs. Emotional release is another area of work she encourages through body dialoguing. Michelle currently has a CranioSacral practice in Minnesota.
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle touch therapy technique that helps to release restrictions within the body to relieve pain, dysfunction and stored emotions. CST works by releasing the cellar memory held in the fascia on a physical and emotional level. It can clear the restrictions in the craniosacral system and allow the fluid to flow properly to support the nervous system.These sessions can be done in person or remotely. This technique is complementary to other modalities and therapies.
Michelle also does remote energy healings incorporating the modalities she is guided to for the session. This may include balancing chakras, aligning the hara line, adjusting the spine, clearing energy fields, cutting cords, and whatever other issues come up in the session.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that Ananda 4 life, LLC has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
IMPORTANT NOTE: No refunds on any packages, sessions, mp3s, on demand healings once a purchase is made unless otherwise written in the package. You can receive credit within 30 days of purchase and use it towards something else. In addition, there is no credit or refund for differences when a sale is in place even if you happen to purchase within 30 days.